In the grand tradition of his blockbuster, high-action thrillers such as Assumed Identity, The Fifth Profession, Extreme Denial, and The Brotherhood of the Rose, acclaimed, bestselling author David Morrell unleashes a masterful novel of intrigue and suspense...For two thousand years a hidden conflict has been waged by two covert armies. Locked into mortal conflict, they now engage in an open, pitched battle over the very future of the planet. In the Amazon and in Africa, they defile the earth with catastrophes from oil spills to animal slaughters -- and soon catch the attention of a woman reporter. Drawn into the fray by the horrific, incendiary murder of a gray-eyed stranger, Tess Drake and a veteran New York City police officer follow the trail of evil from Manhattan to Washington to the ancient caverns of Europe. Hunted by both sides, Tess races toward the heart of an ancient secret forged in dark promise and blood...Morrell, David is the author of 'Covenant of the Flame' with ISBN 9780446362924 and ISBN 0446362921.
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