Written by twenty-one of the leading experts and practitioners in the field, this textbook clearly guides students through the process and steps in applying evidence-based counseling and treatment approaches to offender rehabilitation. In recent years there have been a number of far-reaching and dramatic changes in the correctional treatment and counseling policies, methods, processes, and programs in order to facilitate offender behavior change. This text provides the first up-to-date and comprehensive examination of the current clinical issues and counseling practices discussed and debated by legislators, judges, adult and juvenile correctional administrators and supervisors, correctional treatment specialists, correctional counselors, correctional social workers, probation chiefs and probation officers, and addictions treatment staff. This is the first text to provide an evidence-based overview of the state-of-the-art of correctional treatment and counseling approaches. It includes definitions and illustrations of the best practices in individual and group counseling ranging from crisis intervention to cognitive-behavioral counseling to suicide prevention protocols to anger control training. One of the many special features includes the summary findings of the Editors national survey of 25 different state departments of corrections and the correctional facilities under their jurisdiction. This includes a comparative analysis of the costs, methods, staff to inmate ratio, frequency and duration, and the effectiveness of correctional treatment and counseling vs. custody and punishment. Professor Francis Cullen sets a positive and futuristic tone for this new text in the Prologue. He calls for stopping punitive approaches and failed non-intervention methods, and maps out a strategy for re-vitalizing the corrections profession with emphasis on rehabilitation policies and programs based on scientific evidence and treatment technology transfer. The next fifteen chapters in this text follow through on Professor Cullens strategy with step-by-step evidence-based offender assessment and treatment models. Highlights of this Text: This volume brings together new and varied offender treatment and rehabilitation approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness. Each chapter in this book includes summaries of the latest government reports, treatment guidelines, evidence-based counseling practices, research findings, trends and statistics, program evaluations, journal review articles, and meta-analyses. Professional interest in the critical issues and controversies surrounding correctional counseling programs and methods has grown tremendously. Several of the most visible critical issues and special features addressed in this new book are as follows: evidence-based assessment and treatment plans for juvenile and adult offenders, evidence-based family interventions with juvenile offenders, clinical vs. actuarial risk assessment in evidence-based community corrections, evidence-based assessment and treatment of mentally ill offenders, assessment and treatment of offenders with co-occurring disorders, juvenile and adult inmate suicide prevention protocols, national survey of evidence-based juvenile offender treatment programs, best practices in prison group counseling, Californias adult inmate drug treatment programs and therapeutic communities, best practices in the assessment and treatment of sex offenders, behavioral management models and tools within the Federal Bureau of Prisons, neurological assessment and treatment protocols with offenders, and correctional social work and re-entry programs. Competition and Unique Features of the Current text: At the present time, there is no comprehensive and up-to-date competing textbook. Almost all of the chaptersRoberts, Albert R. is the author of 'Correctional Counseling and Treatment ', published 2007 under ISBN 9780136132875 and ISBN 0136132871.
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