Corporate America:They Had A Plot But God Had A Plan The Employee's Handbook Tools and Techniques for navigating through the practical and emotional challenges of gender, race, sexual orientation, age,

Corporate America:They Had A Plot But God Had A Plan The Employee's Handbook Tools and Techniques for navigating through the practical and emotional challenges of gender, race, sexual orientation, age,
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  • ISBN-13: 9781418417406
  • ISBN: 1418417408
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse


Knight, Betty Marie


This book reminds me of the New York terrorist attack in America September 11, 2001. Terrorism is now navigating it self in many forms through racism. Homeland Security came in the form of the realization that the greater one is in me. A Tragedy or a Strategy, it was all in the way I perceived it. My Civil Rights faced a 911, terrorist attack lasting over seven years in Corporate America. My self-esteem/racial profiling took a blow below the belt. I received an e-mail that helped me to identify and realize that my character was constantly being assassinated and I was viewed negatively in the workplace because of my race. My kindness was viewed as weakness, my silence viewed as speechless, my uniqueness- viewed as strange, my language viewed as slang, my confidence viewed as conceit, my mistakes viewed as defeat, my questions mean I'm unaware, my promotion and advancements viewed unfair. This hostile working environment caused me to take a bold stand. Through this extremely difficult and challenging experience I birthed "Corporate America, They Had A Plot But God Had A Plan." This is self-help employee handbook.Knight, Betty Marie is the author of 'Corporate America:They Had A Plot But God Had A Plan The Employee's Handbook Tools and Techniques for navigating through the practical and emotional challenges of gender, race, sexual orientation, age,' with ISBN 9781418417406 and ISBN 1418417408.

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