L. Susan Bond reveals the full range and diversity of African American preaching in this exploration of African American homiletical theories. Surveying some of the most respected homiletical theorists -- including Samuel DeWitt Proctor, Gardner Taylor, James Earl Massey, James A. Forbes, Jr., Henry H. Mitchell, Ella Pearson Mitchell, Leontine T. C. Kelly, Katie Geneva Cannon, and Teresa L. Fry Brown -- Bond summarizes their work in detail, fully and skillfully articulating the contributions of each and giving attention to historical and social contexts, as well as theological importance.Portraying the many approaches that are empowering preaching in African American churches today, Bond shows how different theological perspectives produce different methods of sermon preparation and delivery, different strategies for selecting illustrative material, and even different ways of beginning and ending sermons. Her goal is not to lift up the "right way" to preach in the African American tradition, but to show the richness and nuance contained within this powerful cultural expression.An extensive bibliography is especially valuable for seminary classes and for pastors as a reading list of African American homileticians and homiletic theories.Bond, L. Susan is the author of 'Contemporary African American Preaching Diversity in Theory and Style' with ISBN 9780827204898 and ISBN 0827204892.
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