Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics

Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
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  • ISBN-13: 9780792366119
  • ISBN: 0792366115
  • Publisher: Springer London, Limited


Leonardis, Aleis, Solinas, Franc, Bajcsy, Ruzena


A collection of original contributions by researchers who work at the forefront of a new field, lying at the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics. Several original approaches are presented to the integration of computer vision and graphics techniques to aid in the realistic modelling of objects and scenes, interactive computer graphics, augmented reality, and virtual studios. Numerous applications are also discussed, including urban and archaeological site modelling, modelling dressed humans, medical visualisation, figure and facial animation, real-time 3D teleimmersion telecollaboration, augmented reality as a new user interface concept, and augmented reality in the understanding of underwater scenes.Leonardis, Aleis is the author of 'Confluence of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics' with ISBN 9780792366119 and ISBN 0792366115.

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