Complete Uml Training Course The Ultimate Cyber Classroom

Complete Uml Training Course The Ultimate Cyber Classroom
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  • ISBN-13: 9780130870148
  • ISBN: 0130870145
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Booch, Grady, Rumbaugh, James, Jacobson, Ivar


Watch, listen, and learn as Grady Booch carefully describes key UML concepts with over 200 dynamic animated figures. Cyber Classroom includes a fully-searchable electronic version of the classic The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, the full text of the UML specification documents, PLUS a UML dictionary with over 600 hyperlinked terms!! Also includes a Video Introduction to the UML by Grady Booch, over 300 practice questions to test your knowledge, hyperlinking, full-text searching, and more! BONUS: Second CD-ROM includes fully searchable electronic version of The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual. The world's most authoritative UML training CD-ROM! Now you can learn UML from the original designers: Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson! This training course includes the UML Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD-ROM, plus Rumbaugh/Jacobson/Booch's masterful The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual. UML Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD-ROM Over 300 practice questions to test your knowledge! 200+ multimedia UML diagrams animate every key UML concept. Expert insight straight from the original designers of UML! The world's best techniques for designing robust, enterprise-class applications! Find it fast! CD-ROM includes fully-searchable copy of The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 100% COMPREHENSIVE, 100% AUTHORITATIVE! The Complete UML Training Course covers everything you need to know to become an expert UML modeler, including concepts, syntax, modeling techniques, and more: Modeling: Fundamental principles and rationale UML: Overview, conceptual model, architecture & development lifecycle Classes: Basic & Advanced Relationships: Basic & Advanced Common Mechanisms Diagrams, Class Diagrams, and Object Diagrams Interfaces, Types, & Roles Packages & Instances Interactions & Interaction Diagrams Use Cases & Use Case Diagrams Activity Diagrams Events & Signals State Machines Processes & Threads Time & Space Statechart Diagrams Architectural Modeling: Components, Deployment & Collaborations Patterns & Frameworks Systems & Models Hundreds of terms and concepts defined in detail-by the object-oriented modeling experts who created them Large collection of 2-color UML diagrams, extensively annotated Expert insight into UML views designed to help you integrate UML's key constructs into a unified whole Detailed reference guides to the UML metamodel, notation, and standard extensions Learn modeling hands on-then apply it to a series of increasingly complex, real-world problems! And your instructor is none other than Grady Booch, chief scientist at Rational Software Corporation and one of the original designers of the UML. Technical requirements: Windows 95/98, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000 Internet Explorer (Included) 20 MB disk space 32 MB RAM CD-ROM drive Sound card supportBooch, Grady is the author of 'Complete Uml Training Course The Ultimate Cyber Classroom' with ISBN 9780130870148 and ISBN 0130870145.

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