Community of Voices, A: Reading and Writing in the Disciplines

Community of Voices, A: Reading and Writing in the Disciplines
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  • ISBN-13: 9780023401350
  • ISBN: 0023401354
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 1991
  • Publisher: Longman


Arthur W. Biddle, Toby Fulwiler


Introduction. 1. Writing Across the Disciplines (Toby Fulwiler and Arthur W. Biddle). Readings. Writing (William Stafford). Freewriting (Peter Elbow). College Journals (Toby Fulwiler). Making Meaning Clear (Donald Murray). Writing as a Mode of Learning (Janet Emig). Starting Support Groups for Writers (Marge Piercy). 2. Studying Literature (Carl G. Herndl and Diane Price Herndl). Readings. Poetic Responses to War. A Sight in Camp in the Daybreak Gray and Dim (Walt Whitman) Death of the Ball Turret Gunner (Randall Jarrell) The Altars in the Street (Denise Levertov) The Eternal City (A.R. Ammons). Shopping. A and P (John Updike) Supermarket in California (Allen Ginsberg). Metaphors (Sylvia Plath). One of These Days (Gabriel Garcia Marquez). Different Responses to a Poet. Huh (Wanda Coleman) Doing Battle With the Wolf (Wanda Coleman) Drone (Wanda Coleman) The Apt Anger of Wanda Coleman (Stacy Gevry) A Critical Introduction to Wanda Coleman''s Poetry (Tony Magistrale). What is Literature? (Terry Eagleton). In Search of Our Mothers'' Gardens (Alice Walker). 3. The Nature of History (Henry Steffens). Readings. Reasons for Writing History. A Distant Mirror (Barbara W. Tuchman) The Armada (Garrett Mattingly) The Great Illusion (Oron J. Hale) The Proud Tower, A Portrait of the World Before the War (Barbara W. Tuchman). The Nature and Uses of History. The Idea of History (R.G. Collingwood) On Knowing the Past (Michael Kammen) American Diplomacy, 1900-1950 (George F. Kennan). Issues for Historians. Patterns of Social and Political Interaction (Leon Litwack) Memoirs of Hadrian (Marguerite Yourcenar) Crewman Who Dropped the A Bomb Tour Nation Selling Mementos (Mike Carter) Why We Can Be Trusted (Theo Sommer) Korea''s Heartbreaking Hills (Angus Deming). 4. Questions of Philosophy (Derk Pereboom). Readings. Hiroshima Remembered. The U.S. Was Wrong (Gar Alperovitz) The U.S. Was Right (John Connor). Of the Principle of Utility (Jeremy Bentham). Supreme Emergency (Michael Walzer). Existentialism Is a Humanism (Jean-Paul Sartre). Death (Thomas Nagel). Famine, Affluence, and Morality (Peter Singer). Where Am I? (Daniel Dennett). 5. A Perspective on the Arts (Lynda Reeves McIntyre). Readings. A Study of Picasso''s Guernica (Eberhard Fisch). The Vision of Maya Ying Lin: The Story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Brent Ashabranner). Daybook: Journal of an Artist (Anne Truit). On Sculpture and Primitive Art (Henry Moore). On Modern Art (Paul Klee). Art as Experience (John Dewey). 6. Language, Identity, and Power (Karen Wiley Sandler). Readings. Think About It: Ways We Know and Don''t Know (Frank Conroy). Nonverbal Language: the Germans, the English, and the French (Edward T. Hall). Talking to the Owls and Butterflies (John Fire Lame Deer). from The Handmaid''s Tale (Margaret Atwood). Bryn Mawr Commencement Address (Ursula K. LeGuin). The Medium is the Metaphor (Neil Postman). Myth (Muriel Rukeyser). That Awful German Language (Mark Twain). Social Talk. The Tucson Zoo (Lewis Thomas). 7. Thinking as a Psychologist (Lynne A. Bond). Readings. The Relationship between Mind and Body. The Mindset of Health (Ellen J. Langer) The Healing Brain (Robert Ornstein and David Sobel). The Eye of the Beholder: Parents'' Views on Sex of Newborns (Jeffrey Rubin, Frank Provenzano, and Zella Luria). Sigmund Freud (Carl Jung). The President''s Speech (Oliver Sacks). Eyewitnesses: Essential but Unreliable (Elizabeth F. Loftus). The Mind of the Puzzler (Robert J. Sternberg and Janet E. Davidson). On Dolphins. Conversations with the Dolphins (Susan Chollar) The Joys of a Big Brain (William Booth). 8. The Pursuit of Politics (Kenneth M. Holland). Readings. The Declaration of Independence (Thomas Jefferson). The Unknown Citizen (W.H. Auden). Of The Principal Source of Belief Among Democratic Nations (Alexis de Tocqueville). The Federalist No. 10 (James Madison). What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? (Frederick Douglass). Letter From Birmingham Jail (Martin Luther King, Jr.). The Gettysburg Address (Abraham Lincoln). The Pursuit of Happiness: Then and Now (Edward Banfield, et al). Election System Flawed, Polls Show (Baltimore Sun). Abortion: The Partisan Consequences (Everett Carll Ladd). 9. The Insights of Sociology (Frederick E. Schmidt). Readings. Mail Order Brides. Brides and Grooms Wanted: Looking for a Wife in India (Joseph Di Bona) India Culture: Mail-Order Brides Grow Wary (Sheila Tefft) One Overseas Indian Woman''s View (Kirsten A. Conover). Professor Pickering''s Quick Poets Society (Scholasticus). Yellow Peril Reinfects America (David Boaz). Racist Arguments and IQ (Stephen Jay Gould). Why Women Aren''t Getting to the Top (Susan Fraker). Underground Economy (Cheryl Russell). History Moves through All of Us All the Time (Lawrence Wright). Marcovaldo or The Seasons in the City (Italo Calvino). Body Ritual Among the Nacirema (Horace Miner). 10. The World of Biology (Daniel J. Bean). Readings. Take This Fish and Look at It (Samuel H. Scudder). Fleas (Gail Lawrence). Sculpins (Chad Heise). The Lives of a Cell (Lewis Thomas). Down the Ohio and Mississippi in Search of Birds, 1820-1821 (John James Audobon). A Day in the Urban Wilderness (Gail Lawrence and Irene Fertik). The Creation Myths of Cooperstown (Stephen Jay Gould). On Becoming a Biologist (John Janovy). Dr. Doolittle''s Question (David Noonan). The Double Helix (James D. Watson). What They Are Saying about Honest Jim: Review of the Double Helix (Gunther S. Stent). 11. Writing and Thinking in the Physical Sciences (Tony Magistrale and Michael Strauss). Readings. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig). Every School Boy Knows (Gregory Bateson). The Unexpected Universe (Loren Eiseley). Reflections (Max Born). The Moment (C.P. Snow). Language: Under the Surface of the Chemical Article (Roald Hoffman). We Are All Scientists (T.H. Huxley). Pteridines from a-Phenyl-N, N-dimethylacetamidine (B. DeCroix, M. J. Strauss, A. Fusco, and D.C. Palmer). The Rainbow (Owen Barfield). 12. The World Business (Ronald Savitt). Readings. Ferocious Competition Tests Pricing Skills (Francine Schwadel). Sears Roebuck: The Value of Friendship (The Economist). Discount Clothing Stores Fashion a More Rounded Image (Teri Agins). How Procter & Gamble Fumbled Citrus Hill (Christine Donahue). Citrus Hill: The Brand P&G Wouldn''t Let Die (Christine Donahue). "Don''t Mess with Mother Coke" (Philip Kotler). What Is Management All About? (A.L. Minkes). What Do You Do To Make It Happen? (Zimmerman''s). The Central Thesis (Neil W. Chamberlain). 13. The Profession of Teaching (John H. Clarke). Readings. Somebody Else''s Kids (Torrey Hayden). Chicken Hawk''s Dream (Al Young). Just So They Have Fun (Kevin Ryan). The Needs that Drive Us All (William Glasser, M.D.). Same Objectives for All (Mortimer Adler). Innocence in EArthur W. Biddle is the author of 'Community of Voices, A: Reading and Writing in the Disciplines', published 1991 under ISBN 9780023401350 and ISBN 0023401354.

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