Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth. Psalm 86:11a To know God better is the heart's cry of a growing faith; and to understand His Word is to know Him. The FaithWalk Bible Studies are designed to help you get a grip on--and be gripped by--the message of God's Word. Each study asks probing questions of the Scriptures, and with commentary on the history and culture of the times, helps you work through difficult passages without giving away all the answers. The FaithWalk series captures the wonder of the Bible and leaves you in awe of Almighty God. Paul's short letter to the Colossians offers a simple but marvelous answer to a question that has bothered many believers: What does it take to be a (true) Christian? Have I done everything I need to do to be a Christian? And whether you just want to be sure that you're on the right path or are confused by the range of the world's " alternatives, " this study can help you discover the joy and assurance of continuing in Christ.Jensen, Phillip D. is the author of 'Colossians Continuing in Christ' with ISBN 9781581341447 and ISBN 158134144X.
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