College Physics

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  • ISBN-13: 9780130676443
  • ISBN: 0130676446
  • Edition: 5
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR


Wilson, Jerry D., Buffa, Anthony J.


We believe that there are two basic goals in any introductory physics course: (1) to impart an understanding of the basic concepts of physics and (2) to enable students to use these concepts to solve a variety of problems. These goals are linked. We want students to apply concepts to the problems that they are trying to solve. However, they often begin the problem-solving process by searching for an equation. There is the temptation to try and plug numbers into equations before visualizing the situation or considering the physical concepts that could be used to solve the problem. Research in physics education has shown that a surprising number of students who learn to solve typical problems well enough to pass examinations do so without ever arriving at a real understanding of the most elementary physical concepts. Simply put, they can solve quantitative problems and get the right answer, but they do not know why it is right. In addition, students often do not check their numerical answer to see if it matches their understanding of the relevant physical concept. Our Goals--Features of the Fifth Edition Our goals for the Fifth Edition of this text are simple, yet challenging. With the goals of the course in mind, we identified areas in need of improvement and made efforts to further enhance the strengths of the book. First, we asked a trusted colleague to contribute to our efforts. Bo Lou, of Ferris State University, has been an important part ofCollege Physicssince the Third Edition. He has authored theInstructor's Solutions Manualand theStudent Study Guideand has played an important role as a member of AZTEC (Absolutely Zero Tolerance for Errors Club). In this edition, his expertise in optics has been used to update the chapters dealing with that topic (Chapters 22-25). Also, Professor Lou was responsible for updating the end-of-chapter exercises. His Ph.D., in condensed-matter physics, is from Emory University. We feel, and many users have agreed, that the strengths of this textbook are as follows: Conceptual Basis.We believe that giving students a secure grasp of physical principles will almost invariably enhance their problem-solving abilities. Central to this belief is an approach to the development of problem-solving skills that stresses an understanding of basic concepts, rather than the mechanical and rote use of equations, as the essential foundation. Throughout the writing ofCollege Physics,we have organized discussions and incorporated pedagogical tools to ensure that conceptual insight drives the development of practical skills. Concise Coverage.To maintain a sharp focus on essential concepts, a textbook should emphasize the basics and minimize superfluous material. In this text, topics of marginal interest have been avoided, as have those that present formal or mathematical difficulties for students. Similarly, we have not wasted space on deriving relationships when they shed no additional light on the principle involved. It is usually more important for students in a course such as this book is geared toward to understand what a relationship means and how it can be used, rather than the mathematical or analytical techniques employed to derive it. Applications.College Physics is known for the strong mix of applications related to medicine, science, technology, architecture, and everyday life in its text narrative and Insight boxes. While the Fifth Edition continues to have a wider range of applications than do most texts, we have also increased the number of biological applications, in recognition of the high percentage of premed and allied health majors who take the course for which it is used. Some examples of topics discussed in biology-oriented Insights are nanotechnology, weightlessness and its effects on the human body, the physics of ear popping, desirable and undesirableWilson, Jerry D. is the author of 'College Physics', published 2002 under ISBN 9780130676443 and ISBN 0130676446.

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