Cognizers Neural Networks and Machines That Think

Cognizers Neural Networks and Machines That Think
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  • ISBN-13: 9780471611615
  • ISBN: 0471611611
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Johnson, R. Colin, Brown, Chappell


Edge of the Frontier: Computer Science Needs a Unifying Theory. The Seceret of Life: Learning from Frankenstein2s Mistakes. Sensation: The Mind is Not All in the Brain. The Necessary Insight: Fathering the Cognizer Revolution. Learning to Learn: Last Piece to the Brain2s Puzzle. Neural Circuitry: Forerunners of the Cognizer. Fledgling Cognizers: Need a Computer or a Cognizer? Cognizers of the Mind: If Their Bodies are Perfected, Will They Have Minds? Biotechnology Unleashed: Machines Modeled after Man. Epilogue. Select Bibliography. Index.Johnson, R. Colin is the author of 'Cognizers Neural Networks and Machines That Think' with ISBN 9780471611615 and ISBN 0471611611.

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