Clinical Hematology Atlas, 2nd Edition

Clinical Hematology Atlas, 2nd Edition
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  • Comments: 2nd. This concise, bench-side atlas provides up-to-date information on hematologic cellular morphology. Over 400 photographs, schematic diagrams, and electron micrographs illustrate hematology from normal cell maturation to the development of various pathologies. Introductory chapters succinctly describe the peripheral blood smear, its preparation and examination, and hematopoiesis in general. The chapters on cellular maturation include schematics that illustrate the maturation of each cell line individuall


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  • ISBN-13: 9780721603957
  • ISBN: 0721603955
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: Saunders


Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS, Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA)


This concise atlas provides authoritative, up-to-date coverage of clinical hematology where you need it most -- at the microscope. Over 400 photomicrographs, schematic diagrams, and electron micrographs illustrate hematology from normal cell maturation to the development of various pathologies. Clinical Hematology Atlas provides complete, practical hematology coverage, along with unparalleled descriptions and images of cellular morphology -- all in one convenient bench-side reference! Book jacket.Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS is the author of 'Clinical Hematology Atlas, 2nd Edition', published 2004 under ISBN 9780721603957 and ISBN 0721603955.

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