This book discusses issues associated with the quantum mechanical formulation of dissipative systems. It begins with an introductory review of phenomenological damping forces, and the construction of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the damped motion. It is shown, in addition to these methods, that classical dissipative forces can also be derived from solvable many-body problems. A detailed discussion of these derived forces and their dependence on dynamical variables is also presented. The second part of this book investigates the use of classical formulation in the quantization of dynamical systems under the influence of dissipative forces. The results show that, while a satisfactory solution to the problem cannot be found, different formulations represent different approximations to the complete solution of two interacting systems. The third and final part of the book focuses on the problem of dissipation in interacting quantum mechanical systems, as well as the connection of someRazavy, Mohsen is the author of 'Classical And Quantum Dissipative Systems ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781860945304 and ISBN 1860945309.
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