Cigarette Waltz Seventeen Short Stories Adaptable for Theater

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  • ISBN-13: 9780963245403
  • ISBN: 0963245406
  • Publisher: Dimitri Publications


Galas, Philip-Dimitri, Nocito, James


Paperback books by Philip-Dimitri Galas may be ordered with a credit card by calling 1-800-356-9315 or by mail by sending check or money order for the price of the book plus $2.00 shipping & handling for the first title & $.50 for each additional title. California residents, please add sales tax. Wholesale inquiries are welcome. This page may be photocopied for purposes of ordering. Cigarette Waltz, Seventeen Short Stories Adaptable for Theater, 244pp., ISBN 0-9632454-0-6, $11.95. Avant Vaudeville - Video, $19.95. Due to the unusual nature of the material, it is suggested that the actor view at least one of the videos of Philip-Dimiri Galas' work before performing Baby Redboots' Revenge. Baby Redboots' Revenge, one man act, 64pp., ISBN 0-9632454-2-2, $6.95. Mona Rogers In Person, one woman act, 96pp., ISBN 0-9632454-1-4, $9.95. Send a photocopy of this page with check or money order to: Dimitri Publications, 2425 First Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101. Send for a free catalog of Galas Exoticards & the latest titles from Dimitri Publications!Galas, Philip-Dimitri is the author of 'Cigarette Waltz Seventeen Short Stories Adaptable for Theater' with ISBN 9780963245403 and ISBN 0963245406.

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