Follow in the fortunes and adventures of a group of space explorers from Earth. They stumble across a new world deep in space called Aij. But is it a new beginning or the start of the end? Journey with them as they explore this new place, how they manage to overcome their fears and help another group of native creatures win their own territory and then develop a system to start democracy and create their own society. But as it starts to develop, they become reliant on the import of certain goods and devices. New species from interbreeding are created and want to be accepted into society. But beware, something is out there, watching, waiting - something evil. Politics, war, evil, love, wizardry and mythical creatures all feature - this book has everything and more besides.Winter, Stephen Paul is the author of 'Chronicles of Lyvfarnia on Aij Another Place, Another Time' with ISBN 9781425900069 and ISBN 1425900062.
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