Jean Firmin put emphasis on how a true Christian ought to behave and how religious life impacts non-religious people. He feels that when we attempts to prove God's existence by our logic or though nature they always end up in questions which can not be answered. What the heart can understand in a flash of insight, the mind can not understand through reason. He points out all the truth he discovered while investigating religious life. He pinpoints out various mystical experiences which broadens the sphere of intuition that is at the very heart of Eastern Religion. He talks about some famous Christian Mystics who believed that deep spiritual people should be able to reach a state of ecstasy. Overall, the author believes that the ordinary experience of life should be blended with the higher spiritual life.Firmin, Jean is the author of 'Christian's Charade And The Existence Of God ', published 2004 under ISBN 9781418480783 and ISBN 1418480789.
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