1. Child Development: Themes, Theories, and Methods Themes of Development Theoretical Perspectives on Development Developmental Themes and Theoretical Perspectives: An Overview Making the Connections 1.1 Research Methods in Child Psychology Making the Connections 1.2 Summary Explore and Discuss 2. Heredity and the Environment The Process of Genetic Transmission Genetic Influences on Development Genetic Counseling and Genetic Engineering Heredity-Environment Interactions Heredity, Environment, and Individual Differences Making the Connections 2 Summary Explore and Discuss 3. Prenatal Development and Birth Stages of Prenatal Development Risks in the Prenatal Environment Birth and the Beginnings of Life Vulnerability and Resilience in Children at Risk Making the Connections 3 Summary Explore and Discuss 4. Infancy: Sensation, Perception, and Learning The Newborn The Infant's Sensory and Perceptual Capacities Early Learning and Memory Making the Connections 4 Summary Explore and Discuss 5. The Child's Growth: Brain, Body, Motor Skills, and Sexual Maturation Brain Development in Infancy Motor Development Physical Growth Sexual Maturation Making the Connections 5 Summary Explore and Discuss 6. Emotional Development and Attachment Early Emotional Development Recognizing Emotions in Others The Beginnings of Specific Emotions Learning to Regulate Emotions How Children Think about Emotions The Development of Attachment The Nature and Quality of Attachment Making the Connections 6 Summary Explore and Discuss 7. Language and Communication The Components of Language: Phonology, Semantics, Grammar, and Pragmatics Theories of Language Development The Antecedents of Language Development Semantic Development: The Power of Words The Acquistion of Grammar: From Words to Sentences Learning the Social and Creative Uses of Language Metalinguistic Awareness: Knowing About Language Bilingualism and Language Development Making the Connections 7 Summary Explore and Discuss 8. Cognitive Development: Piaget and Vygotsky Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development Piaget's Main Tenet: The Child Actively Seeks Knowledge The Stages of Cognitive Development Evaluation of Piaget's Theory Vygotsky's Sociocultual Theory of Cognitive Development Evaluation of Vygotsky's Theory Making the Connections 8 Summary Explore and Discuss 9. Cognitive Development: The Information-Processing Approach Information-Processing Thoery Developmental Changes in Some Significant Cognitive Abilities Metacognition Making the Connections 9 Summary Explore and Discuss 10. Intelligence and Achievement Theories of Intelligence The Traditional Approach: Testing Intelligence Why do People Differ in Measured Intelligence? Achievement Motivation and Intellectual Performance Ethnicity, Social Class, and Intellectual Performance Cognitive Intervention Studes Beyond the Norms: Giftedness and Mental Retardation Creativity Making the Connections 10 Summary Explore and Discuss 11. The Family The Family System Social Class, Ethnicity, and Socialization The Changing American Family Child Abuse with the Family Making the Connections 11 Summary Explore and Discuss 12. Expanding the Social World: Peers and Friends How Peer Interactions Begin: Developmental Patterns Peers as Socializers Peer Acceptance Promoters of Peer Acceptance: Parents and Teachers When Peers become Friends Parents, Peers, or Both? From Dyads to Groups Peer Groups in Different Cultures Making the Connections 12 Summary Explore and Discuss 13. Gender Roles and Gender Differences Defining Sex and Gender Gender-Role Standards and Stereotypes Biological Factors inHetherington, E. Mavis is the author of 'Child Psychology A Contemporary Viewpoint', published 2005 under ISBN 9780073012315 and ISBN 0073012319.
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