"... a good, handy reference for those who need to know a bit about any particular city ward -- and good fodder for Chicago's legions of political junkies." -- Chicago Enterprise "Important demographic information and fascinating histories make it an interesting and often hilarious tour." -- Near North News "... an energetic and ambitious book." -- Illinois Issues Crammed with information but written in a style as lively as the city it describes, this book is the most comprehensive guide ever written about Chicago politics and the unique characters who have given special flavor to each ward."/>



Chicago Politics Ward by Ward

Chicago Politics Ward by Ward
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  • ISBN-13: 9780253313447
  • ISBN: 0253313449
  • Publisher: Indiana University Press


Fremon, David K.


"It does not belong on a shelf but in the hands of community activists, politicians, reporters and campaign workers who want to get a better understanding of ward politics in Chicago." -- Lawndale News-West Side Times "... enough lively tidbits in a breezily written way to keep any Chicago City Council political junkie awake." -- Pioneer Press "... in Chicago Politics Ward by Ward, the system reveals the bizarre adaptations usually associated with life on a coral reef. If you can't believe these guys really exist, look again." -- Chicago Magazine "All told, a most useful and entertaining book." -- Crain's Chicago Business,p> "... a good, handy reference for those who need to know a bit about any particular city ward -- and good fodder for Chicago's legions of political junkies." -- Chicago Enterprise "Important demographic information and fascinating histories make it an interesting and often hilarious tour." -- Near North News "... an energetic and ambitious book." -- Illinois Issues Crammed with information but written in a style as lively as the city it describes, this book is the most comprehensive guide ever written about Chicago politics and the unique characters who have given special flavor to each ward.Fremon, David K. is the author of 'Chicago Politics Ward by Ward' with ISBN 9780253313447 and ISBN 0253313449.

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