Chaucer and the Subject of History

Chaucer and the Subject of History
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  • Condition: Good
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  • Comments: Primarily serving as a reading copy, this edition prioritizes content accessibility over aesthetic perfection. A reading copy is intended for those who value the story and information within more than the physical condition of the book itself. This practical focus makes it an ideal choice for students, researchers, and casual readers who seek to engage deeply with the text without concern for collectible value. The absence of an access code or CD further emphasizes this edition's role as a straightforward r


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  • ISBN-13: 9780299128340
  • ISBN: 0299128342
  • Publisher: University of Wisconsin Press


Patterson, Lee


InChaucer and the Subject of History, a leading medievalist provides us with a compelling vision of the shape and direction of Geoffrey Chaucer's entire career. Chaucer's interest in individuality was strikingly modern. At the same time he was profoundly aware of the pressures on individuality exerted by the past and by societyby history. This tension between the subject and history is Patterson's topic. He begins by showing how Chaucer's understanding of history as a subject for poetrya world to be represented and a cultural force affecting human actionbegan to take shape in his poems on classical themes, especially inTroilus and Criseyde. Patterson's extended analysis of this profound yet deeply conflicted exploration of the relationship between "history" and "the subject" provides the basis for understanding Chaucer's shift to his contemporary world in the Canterbury Tales. There, in the shrewdest and most wide-ranging analysis of late medieval society we possess, Chaucer investigated not just the idea of history but the historical world intimately related to his own political and literary career. Patterson's chapters on individual tales clarify and confirm his provocative arguments. He shows, for example, how the Knight's Tale represents the contemporary crisis of governance in terms of a crisis in chivalric identity itself; how the Miller's Tale reflects the social pressures and rhetoric of peasant movements generally and the Rising of 1381 in particular; and how the tales of the Merchant and Shipman register the paradoxical placement of a bourgeois class lacking class identity. And Patterson's brilliant readings of the Wife of Bath's Tale"the triumph of the subject"and the Pardoner's Tale "the subject of confession"reveal how Chaucer reworked traditional materials to accomplish stunning innovations that make visible unmistakably social meanings. Chaucer and the Subject of Historyis a landmark book, one that will shape the way that Chaucer is read for years to come.Patterson, Lee is the author of 'Chaucer and the Subject of History' with ISBN 9780299128340 and ISBN 0299128342.

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