The Citrix CCEA MetaFrame 1.8 for Windows Exam Cram study guide will give readers the knowledge necessary to both understand the underlying technologies and pass the CCEA exams. Candidates must pass four of the following exams covered in this study guide-Citrix Resource Management Services Exam (910), Citrix Installation Management Services Exam (920), SecureICA and Security exam (930), Load Balancing Services/Citrix Program Neighborhood exam (940), and the Citrix Nfuse Administration Exam (950). The book employs the proven Exam Cram method to efficiently coach the reader on key exam subjects like Load Balancing and Program Neighborhood, Citrix Installation Management Services, Resource Management Services, and Secure ICA. CCEA Candidates also benefit from well-liked Exam Cram features like tear-out cram sheets and memory-joggers, sections on proven test-taking strategies, warnings on trick questions, and time-saving study tips.Annop Jalan is the author of 'CCEA Exam Cram (Exam: 910, 920, 930, 940, 950)', published 2001 under ISBN 9781588800411 and ISBN 1588800415.
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