In Catastrophobia Barbara Hand Clow shows that a series of cataclysmic disasters 11,500 years ago rocked the world and left humanity's collective psyche chronically scarred. This unprocessed fear is responsible for our constant expectations of apocalypse, from Y2K to the famed end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. But according to the author there is every indication that the changes in consciousness over the last 30 years are the beginnings of a collective healing from these deep fears.Clow, Barbara Hand is the author of 'Catastrofobia / Catastrophobia :LA Verdad Detras De Los Cambios De LA Tierra En El Arribo De La Era De Luz LA Verdad Detras De Los Cambios De LA Tierra En El Arribo De La Era De Luz' with ISBN 9780892811403 and ISBN 0892811404.
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