This sequel to Wright's best-selling Shepherd of the Hills follows the story of Dan Matthews, son of Sammy and Young Matt. As the newly appointed minister to the small Midwestern town of Corinth, Dan faces the challenge of uniting a community divided by the legacy of violence. He is outraged by the town's treatment of Grace Conner--rejected, humiliated, and held accountable for her father's crimes. Adding to the drama is Dan's increasing attraction to the town's new nurse, Hope Farwell, who also champions the scorned Grace. Dan wrestles with his conscience as his duty to the church elders conflicts with his desire to prescribe holiness and justice to his ailing congregation.The Calling of Dan Matthews is a timeless story based on the principles of neighborly kindness and community fellowship. First published in 1909, it depicts life in small-town America through the eyes of a rural minister. Harold Bell Wright's other novels, The Shepherd of the Hills, That Printer of Udell's, and The Winning of Barbara Worth are also available from Pelican.OTHER BOOKS BYHAROLD BELL WRIGHTTHE SHEPHERD OF THE HILLSPelican 1992THAT PRINTER OF UDELL'SPelican 1996THE WINNING OF BARBARA WORTHPelican 1999Wright, Harold Bell is the author of 'Calling of Dan Matthews' with ISBN 9781565540484 and ISBN 1565540484.
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