Get a Great Deal! On the trustworthiness scale, car dealers rank right up there with advertising agencies and insurance salesmen. Whether you're buying or leasing, learn the key elements to watch out for to ensure that your wallet doesn't get taken for a ride. Protect yourself from scams and rip-offs, learn how to avoid common mistakes, speed up the process and save plenty of money along the way. Learn how to: Find an honest dealership or private seller Avoid paying higher financing rates or interest payments Discover the cars in your budget that are least likely to have maintenance issues Identify lemons and verify a used car's quality Use the internet as a car-buying, financing and research tool Mechanics, dealership owners, lenders and insurance agents reveal the industry secrets that keep you from getting ripped offEntrepreneur Press Staff is the author of 'Buy or Lease a Car Without Getting Taken for a Ride ', published 2007 under ISBN 9781599180793 and ISBN 1599180790.
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