With a strong commitment to educational innovation, Cleaves & Hobbs' BUSINESS MATH, Sixth Edition, brings a whole new look to this nationally prominent text. The pedagogy and design of the text exist for one reason: helping today's business math student comfortably work with mathematics and confidently tackle the challenges presented in the business world. The lineup includes: Decision Key approach to problem solving Learning Strategies to facilitate the learning process Spreadsheet Exercises Study Wizard for interactive practice, self tests and searchable glossary Good Decisions Through Teamwork Learning Outcomes How-To Boxes Self-Checks with complete solutions Tip Boxes Around the Business World applications Assignment Exercises with answers to odd-numbered questions Concepts Analysis exercises Chapter Overview Words to Know list with page number references Chapter Practice Tests with answers to odd-numbered questions Glossary/Index Authors Cheryl Cleaves and Margie Hobbs, leaders in their field, focused their efforts in this new edition on developing the student's critical thinking skills and collaborative learning processesthrough the "Decision Key" and teamwork problems, the concepts analysis exercises, and the extensive list of student projectsconforming to the directives outlined in the AMATYC standards, NCTM and NBEA standards, and the SCANS guidelines. You will excel using BUSINESS MATH, Sixth Edition. Cleaves and Hobbs have done and will continue to do whatever it takes to make this book the best one for students and instructors in your business math course. Cheryl and Margie welcome your e-mail questions and comments: cleaves@bellsouth.net or mjhobbs@watervalley.netCleaves, Cheryl S. is the author of 'Business Math Brief Edition' with ISBN 9780130895974 and ISBN 0130895970.
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