Born in 1659, Tsunetomo Yamamoto devoted his adult life to the service of his Shogun master, Lord Mitsushige Nabeshima, and his clan, rising to become a highly respected samurai warrior. Upon his master's death in 1700, Yamamoto renounced the world and retired to a hermitage. While at his retreat, a close friend and disciple recorded Yamamoto's thoughts and ideas on what it meant to be a Japanese warrior. Although Yamamoto requested that the work never be published, the Hagakure -- literally meaning "hidden behind the leaves" -- did survive, influencing the development of a culture and serving as the basis of Bushido, the way of the samuraiStone, Justin F. is the author of 'Bushido The Way of the Samurai' with ISBN 9780757000263 and ISBN 0757000266.
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