Bumbling to Zion is set in the years 1966 and 1967, probably two ofthe most turbulent years of the Vietnam War era. Matt McCoy, themain character, is fresh out of high school and needs to enroll in aninstitute of higher learning (any institute) in order to receive astudent deferment from the draft. Because of his bad high schoolgrades, Matt is only accepted at Pure White Light Bible College inFlinthill, Tennessee. The pro-war beliefs at the ultra conservativecollege and Matt's anti-war beliefs are regularly in conflict.Matt, however, ends up falling in love with one of the college'sfundamentalist students and befriending the preacher of the SinkMountain Signs' Following Church of the Prince of Peace, whosecongregation follows the signs mentioned in Mark 16: signs likespeaking in tongues, drinking deadly things, and taking upserpents. To his surprise, Matt discovers that the beliefs of thesigns' followers, and his own anti-war, anti-government beliefsaren't that much different.During the summer of 1967 (the "Summer of Love") Matt goes toHaight-Ashbury, where he gets involved in the whole hippie scene.A disillusioned Matt McCoy, however, escapes from Haight-Ashbury and returns to his native east Tennessee, where, herealizes, he belonged all along.McGuinn, Doug is the author of 'Bumbling to Zion', published 2005 under ISBN 9781419607738 and ISBN 1419607731.
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