The most up-to-date and comprehensive discography available, it provides full information on 459 show albums ranging from the 1931 recording of The Band Wagon to current productions recorded in 1986. Some 4,000 song titles are listed. Entries are arranged alphabetically by show title. Production information includes opening date of the show and name of the theatre; revivals which produced new recordings; composer, lyricist, and conductor credits; cast members who sing on the recording; and songs included on the album. Multiple recordings of the same show are arranged chronologically. Complete discographic data is supplied--record label and number, both the original and the most recent reissue, type of recording (monaural and/or stereophonic), and availability as compact disc. An index of performers identifies the albums on which each person appears. Composers, lyricists, and musical directors are listed in a seperate index.Lynch, Richard C. is the author of 'Broadway on Record: A Directory of New York Cast Recordings of Musical Shows, 1931-1986 (Discographies)', published 1987 under ISBN 9780313255236 and ISBN 0313255237.
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