British Administrative System Principles Versus Practice

British Administrative System Principles Versus Practice
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415015509
  • ISBN: 0415015502
  • Publisher: Routledge


Jordan, Grant


In this controversial and stimulating new textbook, Grant Jordan discusses the basic principles and concepts that are used to discuss policy-making and public administration, showing that there is a great and growing divide between theory and practice. The book looks at the roots of administrative theory, which instead of being based on observation comes from ideas inherited from thinkers such as Weber and Victorian constitutional lawyers. These conventional and fairly simple ideas translate into chaotic practice: the author argues that British public administration is characterised by uncertainty, inconsistency and disorder. He also suggests that theoretical discussions of organisational change are fallacious in a system which seems to thrive while out of step with the available principles. Teachers and students of Public Policy and Public Administration will welcome the new approach of this text, which combines an analysis of theory and practice and discusses many recent developments, including Next Steps.Jordan, Grant is the author of 'British Administrative System Principles Versus Practice' with ISBN 9780415015509 and ISBN 0415015502.

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