Breakroom Blues Exploratory Workbook and Journal

Breakroom Blues Exploratory Workbook and Journal
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  • ISBN-13: 9781418438562
  • ISBN: 1418438561
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse


Pennington, Pj


Are you always the person you claim you are? Honest, loyal, courageous, supportive, positive, ethical . you get the point. Or, are you guilty of: spreading lies, destructive gossip or vicious rumors? using your associations, position or job title to intimidate others? cheating on your timesheet? complaining about your organization and everyone, but you won't leave? stealing company's supplies? falsely pointing the finger to shift the blame away from you? taking credit for someone else's ideas or work? making excuses for failing to successfully complete an assignment? Any of these hit home? Ouch! You are what you behave! More than your spoken words, your behavior reveals who you really are. Your behavior drives your interactions with people and how they in turn respond to you. In short, your behavior helps determine your success in life. So, don't waste another second not being your best self!Pennington, Pj is the author of 'Breakroom Blues Exploratory Workbook and Journal ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781418438562 and ISBN 1418438561.

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