Boys and Literacy Exploring the Issues

Boys and Literacy Exploring the Issues
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415237604
  • ISBN: 0415237602
  • Publisher: Routledge


Maynard, Trisha


In recent years the issue of boys and literacy, namely that they are worse at it compared to girls, has become a key area of interest to all those concerned with the education of our children. This book highlights the key factors causing this divide and discusses the implementation of new strategies to overcome it, which have been the result of extensive qualitative research made by the author. Trisha Maynard reports case study findings of a primary school whose staff wanted to explore and improve boys' attitudes towards and attainment in literacy, and in particular their difficulties with writing. The book highlights issues concerning the reading and writing of stories, what teachers understand by 'good story writing' and the importance of teachers exploring boys' and girls' difficulties with literacy by themselves. It provides significant insight into boys' difficulties with writing as well as informing teachers how to find out about children's attainment.Maynard, Trisha is the author of 'Boys and Literacy Exploring the Issues' with ISBN 9780415237604 and ISBN 0415237602.

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