THE BLAIR READER offers 114 essays, seven poems, and two short stories arranged thematically under ten interesting and thought-provoking topics (e.g., "Family and Memory, The Politics of Language, The American Dream," and "The Wired Revolution"). NEW FEATURES: -- Thirty-seven new selections highly-rated by faculty reviewers to encourage critical inquiry -- Photographic images with reflective thinking questions in every chapter -- End-of-chapter Internet research activities for further discovery COMPANION WEBSITE www.prenhall.com/kirszner The Companion Website provides additional chapter exercises, links, and activities that reinforce and build upon the material presented in the text. Website features include: Additional essay and short answer questions for every reading Web links that provide additional contextual information Web destinations for each essay topicKirszner, Laurie G. is the author of 'Blair Reader' with ISBN 9780134001104 and ISBN 0134001109.
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