They are the half-bloods, the broken, the unforgiven. They failed themselves and their people. They are outcasts. Then, in the bitter wilds of Rashemen, they receive a desperate plea they alone can answer. If they succeed, it could mean their redemption. But if they fail, a troubled past will be the least of their problems. About the Author Keith Francis Strohm is the current Chief Operating Officer of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Publisher of "Dragon" and "Dungeon "magazines. Prior to that, he was the Vice President of Pokemon(R), the Director of the Roleplaying and Miniatures categories, and the Brand Manager for Dungeons & Dragons(R) --all at Wizards of the Coast. He is the author of the Greyhawk(R) novel "The Tomb of Horrors," and he has written three short stories for the Forgotten Realms. This is his second novel.Strohm, Keith Francis is the author of 'Bladesinger ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780786938353 and ISBN 0786938358.
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