Blackwerll's Primary Care Essentials Urology

Blackwerll's Primary Care Essentials Urology
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  • ISBN-13: 9780865425859
  • ISBN: 086542585X
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Ellsworth, Pamela, Rous, Stephen N.


Section 1: ADULT UROLOGYpter 1: DISEASES OF THE ADRENAL1.1 Cushing's Sydnrome;1.2 Conn's Syndrome;1.3 Addison's Disease;1.4 Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (See Pediatric: Intersex);1.5 Pheochromocytomapter 2: DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY (AND URETER)2.1 Infection/inflammation;2.2 Neoplasia;2.3 Foreign Body;2.4 Congenital --- see Pediatric Section;2.5 Trauma;2.6 Otherpter 3: DISEASES OF THE BLADDER3.1 Infection/Inflammation;3.2 Neoplasia;3.3 Foreign Body;3.4 Congenital - see Pediatric Section;3.5 Trauma;3.6 Otherpter 4: DISEASES OF THE URETHRA4.1 Infection/inflammation;4.2 Neoplasia;4.3 Congenital - see pedi urol;4.4 Trauma;4.5 Otherpter 5: DISEASES OF THE TESTE, SCROTUM AND INTRA-SCROTAL CONTENTS5.1 Infection/Inflammation; 5.2 Neoplasia;5.3 Congenital - see Pediatric section;5.4 Trauma;5.5 Otherpter 6: DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE6.1 Infection/Inflammation;A.Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome;B.Prostatic abscess;C.Fungal prostatitis (see other renal infections);6.2 Neoplasia;6.3 Foreign Bodypter 7: DISEASES OF THE PENIS7.1 Infection/Inflammation;7.2 Neoplasia- Malignant;7.3 Congenital - see Pediatric section;7.4 Trauma;7.5 OtherSection 2: PEDIATRIC UROLOGYpter 8: DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY/URETER8.1 Renal Agenesis;8.2 Renal Ectopia;8.3 Horseshoe kidney;8.4 Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK; )8.5 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO);8.6 Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR); 8.7 Megaureter;8.8 Ectopic Ureter;8.9 Ureteroce≤8.10 Congenital mesoblastic nephroma;8.11 Wilm's Tumorpter 9: DISEASES OF THE BLADDER9.1 Adenoviral Cystitis (see Adult: Bladder: Hemorrhagic Cystitis);9.2 Bladder Exstrophy; 9.3 Cloacal Anomalies9.4 Prune Belly Syndrome9.5 Myelomeningocele9.6 Sacral Agenesis9.7 Nocturnal Enuresis9.8 Voiding Dysfunctionpter 10: DISEASE OF THE URETHRA10.1 Posterior Urethral Valves;10.2 Anterior Urethral Valves;10.3 Hypospadias;10.4 Epispadias;10.5 Urethral Polyp;10.6 Urethral Prolapse;10.7 Meatal Stenosispter 11: DISEASE OF THE PENIS11.1 Phimosis;11.2 Paraphimosis;11.3 Micropenispter 12: DISEASES OF THE TESTES/SCROTUM12.1 Cryptorchidism;12.2 Hydroce≤12.3 Varicocele (see Adult: Testis: Varicocele);12.4 Inguinal Hernia;12.5 Yolk sac tum∨12.6 Rhabdomyosarcoma;12.7 Testicular Torsion;12.8 Torsion Testicular Appendagespter 13: OTHER DISEASES13.1 Neuroblastoma;13.2 Intersex;13.3 Vaginal AgenesisEllsworth, Pamela is the author of 'Blackwerll's Primary Care Essentials Urology' with ISBN 9780865425859 and ISBN 086542585X.

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