Blackwell's Primary Care Essentials Travel Medicine

Blackwell's Primary Care Essentials Travel Medicine
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  • ISBN-13: 9780632044825
  • ISBN: 0632044829
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Smith, Robert P., Sears, Stephen D., Onion, Daniel K.


Prefaceable of Contentsedical Abbreviationsournal Abbreviationsection 1: Epidemiology of Travel Medicinehapter 1: Overview of Riskection 2 : Prevention of Travel Related Illnesshapter 2: Components of Pretravel Visithapter 3: Immunizations.1 Overview.2 General Principles.3 Summary of Vaccines.4 Yellow Fever Vaccine.5 Cholera Vaccine.6 Hepatitis A Vaccine.7 Hepatitis B Vaccine.8 Measles Vaccine.9 Meningococcal Vaccine.10 Japanese B Encephalitis Vaccine.11 Rabies Vaccine (Pre-exposure).12 Typhoid Vaccine.13 Tetanus/Diptheria Vaccine.14 Polio Vaccine.15 Lyme Diseasehapter 4: Prevention of Malariahapter 5: Prevention of Food- and Waterborne Diseasehapter 6: Prevention of Accidents/Injurieshapter 7: Prevention of Environmental Illnesses.1 Altitude illness.2 Heat illness.3 Sunburn and other light reactions.4 Cold Illness.5 Arthropod Bites and Stings.6 Venomous Reptiles.7 Marine Envenomations.8 Undersea Diving-Related Illnesshapter 8: Illness During Transportation.1 Motion Sickness and Jet Lag.2 Deep vein thrombophlebitis ("Economy Class" Syndrome)hapter 9: Protection of Special Groups.1 The Pregnant Traveler.2 The Positive HIV Traveler.3 The Pediatric Traveler.4 The Diabetic Travelerection 3 : Recognition and Treatment of Travel-Related Illnesshapter 10: The Traveler with Feverhapter 11: The Traveler with Diarrheahapter 12: The Traveler with Skin Lesionshapter 13: The Traveler with Eosinophiliahapter 14: The Asymptomatic Travelerhapter 15: Health Screening of Immigrants and Refugeesection 4: Travel Related Infectious Diseases and Other Ailmentshapter 16: Bacteria6.1 Anthrax6.2 Atypicap Mycobacteria6.3 Bacillus Cereus Food Poisoning6.4 Bacterial Dysentery6.5 Bartonellosis6.6 Bite Wound Infections6.7 Botulism6.8 Brucellosis6.9 Campylobacter Diarrhea6.10 Cat Scratch Fever6.11 Chancroid6.12 Chlamydial Infections6.13 Cholera6.14 Clostridium Perfringens Food Poisoning6.15 Diptheria6.16 E coli6.17 Ehrlichiosis6.18 Gonorrhea6.19 Granuloma Inguinale6.20 Legionnaires'' disease6.21 Leprosy6.22 Leptospirosis6.23 Listerial Infections6.24 Lyme disease6.25 Lymphogranuloma Venereum6.26 Melioidosis6.27 Meningococcal Meningitis6.28 Noncholera Vibrios6.29 Other Streptococcal Infections6.30 Paratyphoid Fever and Salmonellosis6.31 Pertussis6.32 Plague6.33 Pneumococcal Infection6.34 Pseudomembranous Colitis6.35 Psittacosis6.36 Q fever6.37 Rat Bite Fever6.38 Relapsing Fever6.39 Rocky Mounain Spotted Fever6.40 Scarlet Fever and Streptococcal Toxic Shock6.41 Scrub Typhus6.42 Staph Food Poisoning6.43 Staph Soft Tissue Infections6.44 Syphilis6.45 Tetanus and Lockjaw6.46 Toxic Shock Syndrome6.47 Traveler''s Diarrhea6.48 Trench fever6.49 Tuberculosis6.50 Tularemia (Rabbit Fever)6.51 Typhoid fever6.52 Typhus6.53 Yersinia Gastroenteritishapter 17: Fungal Disease7.1 Blastomycosis7.2 Coccidiodomycosis7.3 Cryptococcosis7.4 Histoplasmosis7.5 Mycetoma7.6 Paracoccidiodomycosis7.7 Penicilliosis7.8 Sporotrichosishapter 18: Parasitic Disease8.1 Africam Sleeping Sickness8.2 Amebiasis8.3 Amebic Meningoencephalitis8.4 Anasakiasis8.5 Angiostrongyliasis8.6 Ascariasis and Trichuriasis8.7 Babesiosis8.8 Blastocystis Hominis8.9 Chagas Disease8.10 Clonorchiasis8.11 Cryptosporidium Diarrhea8.12 Cyclospora8.13 Cysticersosis8.14 Echinococcal Cyst Disease8.15 Enterobiasis (Pinworms)8.16 Fascialiasis and Paragonimiasis8.17 Filariasis and Overview8.18 Filariasis Loaiasis8.19 Filariasis Onchocerciasis8.20 Giardiasis8.21 Gnathostomiasis8.22 Hookworm8.23 Larva Migrans and Toxocariasis8.24 Leishmania8.25 Malaria8.26 Schistosomiasis8.27 Strongyloidiasis8.28 Tapeworms8.29 Toxoplasmosis8.30 Trichinosishapter 19: Arthropod Bites and Infections9.1 Lice9.2 Myaisis9.3 Scabies9.4 Tick paralysis9.5 Tungiasishapter 20: Viral Infections0.1 Alphaviruses0.2 Arboviral Encephalitis0.3 Arenavirus (New World)0.4 Bunyavirus0.5 Dengue0.6 Ebola Virus0.7 Hepatitis A0.8 Hepatitis B0.9 Hepatitis C0.10 Hepatitis E0.11 HIV and AIDS0.12 HTLV 10.13 Lassa Fever0.14 Poliomyelitis0.15 Rabies0.16 Yellow Feverhapter 21: MiscSmith, Robert P. is the author of 'Blackwell's Primary Care Essentials Travel Medicine' with ISBN 9780632044825 and ISBN 0632044829.

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