Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and Pqq-Dependent Proteins

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and Pqq-Dependent Proteins
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  • ISBN-13: 9783764361457
  • ISBN: 376436145X
  • Publisher: Springer


Iriarte, A. U., Kagan, H. M., Martinez-Carrion, Marino


The most recent information on proteins dependent upon Vitamin B6, PQQor other quinones for function are included in this volume. It is acompilation of recent advances in the understanding of these proteins'structures, mechanisms of action, and their biological roles andfunctions.In addition, the book contains sections devoted to the mechanisms offolding and to addressing the molecular physiology and pathology ofthese families of proteins, which are of intense biomedical interest.Emerging information regarding the participation of these proteins inenzymatic activity and their significance in biotechnology applications,such as the use of specific inhibitors, is also included. The topicstreated comprise genetic regulation, evolutionary and cell biologicalaspects, as well as the latest information on structures and mechanismsoperating in these proteins.Iriarte, A. U. is the author of 'Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and Pqq-Dependent Proteins' with ISBN 9783764361457 and ISBN 376436145X.

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