The CKP hierarchy and the WDVV prepotential; H. Aratyn, J. van de Leur.- Quantum invariance groups of particle algebras; M. Arik.- Algebraic Hirota maps; C. Athorne.- Boundary states in Susy Sine-Gordon model; Z. Bajnok et al.- Geometry of discrete integrability. The consistency approach; A.I. Bobenko.- Homoclinic orbits and dressing method; E.V. Doktorov, V.M. Rothos.- Riemann-Hilbert problem and algebraic curves; V. Enolskii, T. Grava.- Analytic and algebraic aspects of Toda field theories and their real Hamiltonian forms; V.S. Gerdjikov.- Bilinear avatars of the discrete Painlevè II equation; B. Grammaticos et al.- Orthogonal polynomials satisfying Q-difference equations; L. Haine.- Discretization of coupled soliton equations; R. Hirota.- An adelic W-algebra and rank one bispectral operators; E. Horozov.- Toroidal Lie algebra and bilinear identity of the self-dual Yang-Mills hierarchy; S. Kakei.- From soliton equations to their zero curvature formulation; F. Lambert, J. Springael.- Covariant forms of Lax one-field operators: from Abelian to non-commutative; S. Leble.- On the Dirichlet boundary problem and Hirota equations; A. Marshakov, A. Zabrodin.- Functional-difference deformations of Darboux-Pöshl-Teller potentials; V.B. Matveev.- Maxwell equations for quantum space-time; R.M. Mir-Kasmov.- A solvable model of interacting photons; J. Naudts.- Discretization of a Sine-Gordon type equation; Y. Ohta.- Hierarchy of quantum explicitly solvable and integrable models; A.K. Pogrebkov.- A two-parameter elliptic extension of the lattice KDV system; S.E. Puttock, F.W. Nijhoff.- Travelling waves in a per-turbed discrete Sine-Gordon equation; V.M. Rothos, M. Feckan.- Quantum VS classical Calogero-Moser systems; R. Sasaki.- Geometrical dynamics of an integrable piecewise-linear mapping; D. Takahashi, M. Iwao.- Free bosons and dispersionless limit of Hirota tau-function; L.A. Takhtajan.- Similarity reductions of Hirota bilinear equations and Painlevè equations; K.M. Tamizhmani et al.- On fundamental cycle of periodic Box-Ball systems; T. Tokihiro.- Combinatorics and integrable geometry; P. van Moerbeke.- On reductions of some KDV-type systems and their link to the quartic Hènon-Heiles Hamiltonian; C. Verhoeven et al.- On the bilinear forms of Painlevè's 4th equation; R. Willox, J. Hietarinta.Faddeev, L. D. is the author of 'Bilinear Integrable Systems From Classical to Quantum, Continuous to Discrete', published 2006 under ISBN 9781402035029 and ISBN 1402035020.
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