In the heartwarming film "Big Fish, director Tim Burton "(Batman, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow) brings his inimitable imagination on a journey that delves deep into a fabled relationship between a father and his son. Edward Bloom (Albert Finney) has always been a teller of tall tales about his oversized life as a young man (Ewan McGregor), when his wanderlust led him on an unlikely journey from a small town in Alabama, around the world, and back again. His mythic exploits dart from the delightful to the delirious as he weaves epic tales about giants, blizzards, a witch and conjoined-twin lounge singers. With his larger-than-life stories, Bloom charms almost everyone he encounters except for his estranged son Will (Billy Crudup). When his mother Sandra (Jessica Lange) tries to reunite them, Will must learn how to separate fact from fiction as he comes to terms with his father's great feats and great failings. This Newmarket Shooting Script book includes the complete screenplay, introduction and notes by the filmmakers, a special color photo insert capturing the film's vivid visuals, and complete cast and crew credits.August, John is the author of 'Big Fish The Shooting Script', published 2004 under ISBN 9781557046260 and ISBN 1557046263.
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