A pickup truck breakdown in a small Alabama town turns an afternoon family grave site cleanup by Andy Saylor into a two-week challenge for him, Billy Coate and Jesse Cade to take a look at their lives and with each other's help, to choose some starting and stopping places. In addition, personal events take place to further help them rise above their present station and move forward if they can keep each other alive. Encounters with an extremist group bring the three young men and their black friends together to form a common bond and struggle against the hate and its mongers. Ugly assaults, murderous invasions and cross burnings test the endurance and determination of the community and its dedicated police chief. Further south, plans for a targeted gay pride march continue despite the impending danger from the militant's load of illegal weapons and explosives. Despite the conflict, tender patient love comes to three couples in their laughable youth.Hendon, Blake is the author of 'Beyond Blue Houses' with ISBN 9780595190843 and ISBN 0595190847.
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