Best Test Preparation For The SAT Subject Test Biology E/M

Best Test Preparation For The SAT Subject Test Biology E/M
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  • ISBN-13: 9780738601212
  • ISBN: 0738601217
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Research & Education Association


Sandusky, Thomas, Gregory, Linda, Sharma, Rashmi Diana


Introduction Preparing for THE SAT BIOLOGY E/M SUBJECT TEST About the SAT Biology E/M SUBJECT TEST Who Takes the Test and What Is It Used For? Students planning to attend college should take the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test if: (1) Any of the colleges they apply to require the test for admission; OR (2) The student wishes to demonstrate proficiency in Biology. The SAT Biology E/M exam is designed for students who have taken one year of college preparatory biology (either a general survey course or one with emphasis on Ecology or Molecular Biology), a one-year course in algebra, and have laboratory experience. However, due to the variation in high school biology courses, most students will encounter questions that test material with which they are not familiar. Who Administers The Test? The SAT Biology E/M Subject Test is developed by the College Board and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS). The test development process involves the assistance of educators throughout the country, and is designed and implemented to ensure that the content and difficulty level of the test are appropriate. When Should the SAT Biology E/M be Taken? If you are applying to a college that requires Subject Test scores as part of the admissions process, you should take the SAT Biology E/M Subject Test toward the end of your junior year or at the beginning of your senior year. If your scores are being used only for placement purposes, you may be able to take the test in the spring of your senior year. For more information, be sure to contact the colleges to which you are applying. When and Where Is the Test Given? The SAT Biology E/M Subject Test is administered six times a year at many locations throughout the United States; most test centers are at high schools. For more information on specific testing dates and locations, consult the registration bulletin or your high school guidance counselor. To receive information on upcoming administrations of the exam, consult the publication Taking the SAT II: Subject Tests, which may be obtained from your guidance counselor or by contacting: College Board SAT Program P.O. Box 6200 Princeton, NJ 08541-6200 Phone: (609) 771-7600 E-mail: sat@info.collegeboard.com Website: www.collegeboard.com Is There a Registration Fee? Yes. There is a registration fee to take the SAT Biology E/M. Consult the College Board website for information on the fee structure. Financial assistance may be granted in certain situations. To find out if you qualify and to register for assistance, contact your academic advisor. Can I Use a Calculator? Calculators are not permitted on the SAT Biology E/M. The metric system of units is used, so review of metric units may be helpful. Format of the SAT Biology E/M The Biology E/M is a one-hour exam consisting of 80 multiple-choice questions. Each question has five possible answer choices, lettered (A) through (E). The common core, which appears on both the Biology-E and the Biology-M Tests, consists of 60 questions. It covers Cellular and Molecular Biology, Ecology, Classical Genetics, Organismal Biology, and Evolution and Diversity. Its emphasis is on Organismal Biology. In addition to the common core, you will be required to take a specialty section comprised of 20 questions, making 80 the total number of questions you will be answering on any form, or in any administration, of the SAT Biology E/M. One of these specialty sections is the Biology-E Test, which covers principles and applications of Ecology. The other specialty section is the Biology-M Test which covers concepts and principles of Molecular Biology. Remember, these specialty sections are taken in addition to the common core. However, you will not be able to take both the Biology-E and the Biology-M Tests in the same administration. The following chart summarizes the distribution of topics covSandusky, Thomas is the author of 'Best Test Preparation For The SAT Subject Test Biology E/M', published 2005 under ISBN 9780738601212 and ISBN 0738601217.

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