The truthful Man . . . falsely accused. The innocent Man . . . illegally tried and wrongly convicted. The gentle Man . . . who suffered punishment few could imagine, much less endure. The murdered Man . . . who forgave His own merciless killers. The divine Man . . . who died as a common criminal. The willing Man . . . who gave His life for others. The ordinary Man . . . who was, in fact, the extraordinary Son of God. Behold . . . the Man . And ask yourself the only question that really matters: Why? Why would this innocent Man walk willingly and with unwavering determination toward such a grisly end? Why would He ever accept such undeserved mistreatment? In this incredible, historically accurate account, you will come face to face with Jesus-the Man of Sorrows. If you're honest, you'll find the amazing answer to why . . . and you'll change. When you stop long enough to look, to think, to imagine, and to truly Behold the Man , you'll never be the same again. Chuck Swindoll leads us through a detailed examination of the events surrounding Jesus as he follows the winding pathway of his passion to the cross. This story-based investigation of the last week of Jesus's life-from the Last Supper to his death-focuses on "Why?" And in his Epilogue to this powerful, insightful book, Swindoll clearly explains to the unchurched and non-Christian reader why Jesus was willing to walk this sacrificial path to die-he did it for them. Releasing simultaneously with Mel Gibson's stirring movie The Passion of The Christ, Swindoll's book provides Christians an excellent evangelistic follow-up tool to give to their unchurched or non-Christian friends and families who see the film. As Chuck said after a private viewing of the movie, "You'll never be the same again." And Behold . . . the Man will help ensure that fact.Swindoll, Charles R. is the author of 'Behold the Man! The Pathway of His passion', published 2004 under ISBN 9780849945328 and ISBN 0849945321.
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