Behavior Analysis and Learning: Fourth Edition

Behavior Analysis and Learning: Fourth Edition
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  • Comments: 4. Behavior Analysis and Learning, Fourth Edition is an essential textbook covering the basic principles in the field of behavior analysis and learned behaviors, as pioneered by B. F. Skinner. The textbook provides an advanced introduction to operant conditioning from a very consistent Skinnerian perspective. It covers a range of principles from basic respondent conditioning through applied behavior analysis into cultural design. Elaborating on Darwinian components and biological connections with behavior,


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  • ISBN-13: 9780805862607
  • ISBN: 0805862609
  • Edition: 4
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Publisher: Psychology Press


W. David Pierce, Carl D. Cheney


W. David Pierce is a Professor at the University of Alberta, Canada. His main research concerns a biobehavioral analysis of activity anorexia, taste regulation of overeating, and exercise-induced taste aversion Carl D. Cheney is Professor of Psychology at Utah State University. He teaches behavior analysis and physiological psychology and has published widely in the experimental analysis of behavior. His current research is focused on the management of diet selection with a variety of speciesW. David Pierce is the author of 'Behavior Analysis and Learning: Fourth Edition', published 2008 under ISBN 9780805862607 and ISBN 0805862609.

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