Beginning Algebra

Beginning Algebra
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  • Condition: New
  • Provider: Textbookplaza Contact
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  • Comments: CD-ROM Included; Need it urgently? Upgrade to Expedited. In stock and we ship daily on weekdays & Saturdays.


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  • ISBN-13: 9780072903409
  • ISBN: 0072903406
  • Edition: 4th
  • Publisher: William C Brown Pub


Louis Hoelzle, James Streeter, Donald Hutchison


This interactive CD-ROM is a self-paced tutorial specifically linked to the text and reinforces topics through unlimited opportunities to review concepts and practice problem solving. The CD-ROM contains chapter-and section-specific tutorials, multiiple choice questions with feedback, as well as algorithmically generated questions. It requires virtually no computer training on the part of students and supports IBM and Macintosh computers. In addition, a number of other technology and Web-based ancillaries are under development; they will suppot the ever-changing technology needs in developmental mathematics.Louis Hoelzle is the author of 'Beginning Algebra' with ISBN 9780072903409 and ISBN 0072903406.

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