Roxanne Henkea?s first book in the Coming Home to Brewsterseries, After Anne, received great reviews and enthusiastic sales,appearing on the Crossings Book Club bestseller list.A The second book in the series, Finding Ruth, was also a huge success,as more readers fell in love with smalla?town Brewster and its people. In this third novel, Roxanne returns to the life of Oliviaa?Libbya? Marsden, the main character in After Anne. Libby has the perfect life...good kids, a wonderful husband,and a strong Christian faith.A Why thenis she increasingly depressed?A A Libby discovers that sometimes God works through the mostunexpected circumstances to help us become who wea?re meant to be, as readerswill discover in this touching novel.Henke, Roxanne is the author of 'Becoming Olivia' with ISBN 9780736911498 and ISBN 0736911499.
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