Nice. Three customers ahead of him, one window over in the lobby of the Cattlemen's Bank in the heart of downtown Kansas City. Detective Eli Masterson didn't need the eye for detail he possessed to notice an attractive woman when he saw one. Her mocha-colored suit, a few shades darker than her short blond hair, hugged some prime feminine curves. The light wool skirt stopped just short of hiding the dimple at the back of her right knee. The sensible brown pumps that matched her leather shoulder bag didn't detract from the long arch of her calves. Even in heels, Ms. Tailored Professional Lady barely topped Eli's shoulder, putting her at average height. But he'd bet a good part of her was legs. Long, fit, curvy legs, capped by that sweet butt.Very nice. Eli breathed deeply, savoring the quickening rhythm of his pulse. A good, lustful look was about all he had time for these days. So he waited patiently and enjoyed his wayward private thoughts before he had to move to the front of the line and deal with reality again. He'd taken the morning off because he had Jillian's hearing at ten o'clock. Today he was transferring what was left of his parents' insurance money into his checking account. His baby sister might be fined for possession, or more likely, she'd be sent straight to rehab again. Eli intended to be able to sign on the dotted line and drive her there himself. Maybe this time they could get her off her cocaine habit and make it stick. Lord knew he'd run out of ideas about how to keep her safe from herself. He moved forward in line as the skinny kid at the front thanked the teller and turned. Despite the sunglasses and hooded sweatshirt, a passing glance revealed that the man at the front of the line wasn't a kid so much as a thirty-something who needed to lose the saggy pants and accept that gangsta was a look few people over sixteen could pull off without drawing undue attention to themselves. Of course, that was probably the point. Eli's gaze slid back to the blond chick. He'd much rather pay attention to her more subtle charms. She didn't seem to mind the early-morning crush of customers, hurrying in to take care of business before they had to report to work themselves. She stood out from the others in line the way a froth of cream cooled his morning coffee. He liked a woman who was calm and sophisticated, and buttoned up tight like her conservative suit. Women like that played relationships the way they conducted business. There were always rules to follow, barriers to respect. A man couldn't get in too deep with her, which suited him fine. Intelligent conversation was good. Shared interests even better. Mutual lust was a bonus. But Eli knew enough about getting burned by emotional connections that once he detected any hints of personal commitment going on beneath the suit of a pin-striped pinup, he walked away from them as fast as his size thirteens could carry him. Hmm. Not just a nice bod. She was observant, too. Blondie had noticed the over-the-hill rapper wannabe as well. She hesitated as she approached the teller window and turned her head ever so slightly to watch his departure. Eli caught a glimpse of her profile and a spark of recognition tried to catch hold inside him. But she smiled and turned away at the teller's greeting before a name could click into place. Whatdidregister was that she was older than he'd suspected from the rear view. But she wore it well. The fringe of hair that framed her face had blended into the clean contours of her jaw and cheek. And the hints beside her eye and mouth that she might be closer to fifty than forty hadn't appeared until they'd crinkled into view with her smile. Pretty as she was, Blondie probably had a successful husband, two-point-three kids and a house in the suburbs to go home to. Ah, yes. Reality. Though certainly not his. Time to tone his interest down a notch. AnotherMiller, Julie is the author of 'Baby Jane Doe', published 2006 under ISBN 9780373887217 and ISBN 0373887213.
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