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  • ISBN-13: 9788467023404
  • ISBN: 8467023406
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Espasa Calpe, S.A.


Dario, Ruben, Salvador, Alvaro, Cerrada, Antonio


La publicacin de 'Azul', primer libro de un escritor nicaragense de veintin aos se convirti en el hito fundacional de la literatura modernista. Desde el enigmtico ttulo hasta la estructura de la obra, compuesta por cuentos y poemas, hacen de este volumen la obra ms representativa del periodo modernista. Los crticos del poca aseguraban que, con este poemario, Rubn Daro haba dado un nuevo sentido del ritmo y de la sonoridad a la lengua espaola. The publication of 'Azul', the first book by a 21-year-old Nicaraguan writer, became the foundational moment for the modernist tradition in Spanish-language literature. From its enigmatic title to the work's structure, made up of stories and poems, it is the most representative work of the modernist period. Critics of the day were already convinced that with this collection, Dario had given a new sense of meaning and rhythm to the Spanish language.Dario, Ruben is the author of 'Azul', published 2007 under ISBN 9788467023404 and ISBN 8467023406.

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