As a young girl in Scotland during World War II, Audrey McKinley is captivated by the accents of servicemen whom her father brings home, and she is fascinated with tales of travel she hears from her mysterious aunt. She uncovers a family secret, however, and will spend decades trying to unravel the truth. Audrey marries an American serviceman and travels to Japan, Guam and America's Deep South. Political and social changes, along with the quest to come to terms with her family roots, govern the choices Audrey makes for her children and for herself. Eventually she settles in South Carolina and discovers Edisto Island-a place where hearts can heal and souls can mend. There is only one thing left that Audrey must do to put her life in order. She must solve the puzzle and understand the meaning of what happened in Scotland more than sixty years earlier.Jones, Donna is the author of 'Auld Lang Syne' with ISBN 9781413757149 and ISBN 1413757146.
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