Ian Woodward tells the captivating story of Audrey Hepburn, enduring Hollywood legend. Born into the Dutch aristocracy, her fairy-tale childhood was shattered by her father's abandonment. She trained as a ballerina, wowed the New York critics with her performance of Gigi on Broadway and went on to win an Oscar for her stunning performance in Roman Holiday. This launched her international movie career, which included such successes as Breakfast at Tiffany's and Funny Face. However, even these exemplary achievements pale against her outstanding work for UNICEF. The book was updated after Hepburn's death to include her valuable work with UNICEF in her final years and her fight against cancer Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood's most enduring legends.Woodward, Ian is the author of 'Audrey Hepburn' with ISBN 9780312060749 and ISBN 0312060742.
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