Atlas of the Oceans Wind and Wave Climate

Atlas of the Oceans Wind and Wave Climate
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  • ISBN-13: 9780080425191
  • ISBN: 0080425194
  • Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books


Young, Ian, Holland, Greg


This volume provides global estimates of wind and wave conditions and is based on data from the GEOSAT satellite. Parameters such as monthly values of wind speed and wave heights are presented as contour fields in global and regional charts. Variations in wind and wave parameters are also shown along common shipping routes and lines of latitude and longitude. The Atlas includes a useful reference text, providing an introduction to global meteorology and the processes responsible for the generation of ocean waves. In addition, information relating to the GEOSAT mission, data preparation and validation, and wind/wave statistics provide a full summary of the background to this major new publication. Global estimates of wind and wave conditions are required for activities such as engineering design, oceanographic and meteorological studies, ship routing and recreational activities. This publication will appeal to a wide range of readers from scientists and engineers, educators and students, to readers in shipping companies and navies.A CD-ROM based on this material, providing searchable text is also available.This CD-ROM is based on material presented in the book version of Atlas of the Oceans: Wind and Wave Climate . The CD-ROM provides searchable text-based information on global wind and wave regimes, including an introduction to global meteorology and ocean wind waves, and preparation of data gathered from the GEOSAT satellite. An extensive bibliography of over 500 abstracts from the scientific literature is included. The database of wind and wave parameters can be interactively accessed to produce contour charts with global and regional coverage. Of considerable importance to anyone interested in wind and waves statistics is the underlying GEOSAT data. The raw GEOSAT data has been processed to eliminate errors and to calibrate measurements with in situ readings. The Atlas of the Oceans: Wind and Wave Climate therefore provides a ready-to-use database on wind and wave parameters. Additional features included on the CD-ROM are: Text and illustrations - Hyperlinking allows quick and easy-access to related information, such as abstracts or illustrations - Full text and index searching - Additional bibliography of over 500 abstracts related to wind and waves - Animation of selected line drawings - Additional images - Videos of Beaufort Scale Contour charts - User can select region, month and parameter for display of charts - Charts can be overlaid with wind direction and/or grids of latitude and longitude - Options to set chart colours and degree of data smoothing Database - Underlying data can be selected and accessed - Conversion between units of measurement available Path function - Enables user to input and label path of interest (eg. ship route) - Provides plotting facilities - Calculates distance using Great Circle Path Bookmark function - Allows selection and export of user-defined text, illustrations, charts, and data to assist with report writing or in lecture preparation About the Atlas Global and regional estimates of wind and wave conditions are required for a large range of activities such as engineering design, oceanographic and meteorological studies, for ship routing and for recreational purposes. The Atlas of the Oceans: Wind and Wave Climate is based on data from the GEOSAT satellite mission. The approach of using remotely sensed data has many advantages - the data is of high spatial density and accuracy, and has a full global coverage, unlike measurements collected from ships and buoys used previously. Includes a useful reference text providing an introduction to global meteorology and the processes responsible for the generation of ocean waYoung, Ian is the author of 'Atlas of the Oceans Wind and Wave Climate' with ISBN 9780080425191 and ISBN 0080425194.

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