Asvab for Dummies

Asvab for Dummies
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  • Comments: 1. If you want to get into the military, you have to take the Armed Services Vocational Battery (ASVAB). Anyone eligible for military service can take the ASVAB, so you can also use the ASVAB for other purposes, such as finding out what youre good at, in case you want to attend vocational school or college. In addition, you can also use the test to help you better understand your skills, for when you enter the job...


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  • ISBN-13: 9780764554971
  • ISBN: 0764554972
  • Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc


Lawler, Jennifer L., Powers, Rod


Jennifer Lawler has developed the curriculum and taught test preparation classes for the ACT and SAT standardized college admissions examinations Rod Powers is a recognized expert in all U.S. military mattersLawler, Jennifer L. is the author of 'Asvab for Dummies' with ISBN 9780764554971 and ISBN 0764554972.

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