I have written this book to serve as a companion to textbooks in educational psychology, child development, and similar disciplines. More specifically, I've written it to help students in teacher education and other professional programs apply psychological concepts and principles related to learning, motivation, development, instruction, and assessment. To assist instructors who are using the book for the first time, I've written an accompanying Instructor's Manualthat can be obtained by calling Faculty Support at 1-800-526-0485 or by requesting a copy from your local Prentice Hall representative. All of the artifacts included here have come from preschool, elementary school, middle school, and high school classrooms, and I am most appreciative of the students, educators, and parents who have graciously allowed me to use their work. In particular, I wish to thank the Belcher family, Don Burger, Chris Cairns, the Davis family, Barbara Dee, the Gass family, Darrell Harris, Rita Hocog Inos, Don Lafferty, Teresa McDevitt, Meghan Milligan, Jay Pawlyk, Julie Peters, Ann Reilly, the Rourke family, the Sheehan family, Ann Shump, Helen Snelson, Drew Spencer, Jennifer Taylor, Grace Tober, Sally Tossey, Kris Wright, and Geoff Wuehrmann. I am always eager for feedback from instructors and students; it is only by getting such feedback that I can continue to improve my work. Please feel free to send your comments to me at jormrod@alumni.brown.edu. J.E.O.Ormrod, Jeanne Ellis is the author of 'Artifact Case Studies Interpreting Children's Work and Teachers' Classroom Strategies', published 2003 under ISBN 9780131146716 and ISBN 0131146718.
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