"Regardless of your shooting style, there are basic fundamentals that hold true. This book provides an excellent means of learning them." -- Rick Barry Do your jump shots come up short? Are your hook shots off balance? Is your free-throw average less than 90 percent? If so, you need world record holder Ted St. Martin's The Art of Shooting Baskets, the complete guide to executing accurate and effective free throws, jump shots, lay-ups, hook shots, slam dunks, and all their variations. Sound advice, a back-to-the-basics approach, and fully illustrated step-by-step instructions provide all the elements needed to approach the foul line and make that critical shot with confidence or bury the slam dunk that turns the game around. The Art of Shooting Baskets is packed with photos, tips, and advice on perfecting your technique, eliminating common errors, making the most of practice, incorporating drills into your workout, and coaching. Detailed descriptions based on the basic principles of a good shot are included for each type of shot, along with answers to the 20 most-asked questions about basketball shooting. This motivating instructional book contains all the vital information athletes of all levels need to shoot like pros.. Just follow the advice, practice the drills and techniques, step up to the line. .. and make the shot! Ted St. Martin has spent the past 23 years conducting basketball shooting shows and clinics nationwide. His 3,885 consecutive free throws are a world record. He lives in Jacksonville, Florida. Frank Frangie hosts a nightly sports talk show on WNZS radio in Jacksonville.St. Martin, Ted is the author of 'Art of Shooting Baskets From the Free Throw to the Slam Dunk' with ISBN 9780809240098 and ISBN 0809240092.
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